Outsourcing cyber security to a Managed IT Security Services Provider (MSSP) when you are trying to run a small to medium professional services organisation can, at first thought, seem an unnecessary spend of IT budget. However, with growing cyber security risk and an ever-increasing work-from-home workforce, the cost of outsourcing your cyber security is significantly …
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There’s been a lot of talk about the Essential Eight cyber mitigation strategies from the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). But there’s also a lot of confusion. So we’re providing a simple explanation of what it is, and why you should follow its guidelines. Here are the most important things to know: The Essential Eight …
One of the things we have learnt from the Covid-19 pandemic is how vital the Not For Profit (NFP) sector is. Across the globe NFPs have stepped forward and offered their services to those who needed it the most. To achieve this, the NFP sector has had to undertake an accelerated overhaul of their IT …
It almost goes without saying that most nonprofits run on modest budgets. At IT Smart Solutions, we often see nonprofit staff getting by with ageing technology, toggling between point solutions, sharing passwords, or relying on a clunky old server whirring in the corner. But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can (and should) …
In 2020, Cloud services took centre stage as the entire world shifted to working remotely. The term Cloud services encompasses many different types of technology, platforms and applications. Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of IT services via the internet. Moving to a Cloud based IT solution therefore means moving away from a traditional …
Continue reading “It’s time to ditch the server: The benefits of Cloud services for Non-profits”
When everyone around you goes into panic mode, it can be very difficult to stay calm. As Covid-19 reached our shores and started taking hold of the nation, there was a significant amount of uncertainty and change, particularly around how businesses would survive and what IT they need to do it.